Summer Jewelry Camp
Each Saturday in July 5, 12, 19 and 26
Online - Virtual Zoom Class
Four - 2.5 hour sessions
Class Fee $400
This month-long course is designed to guide you through design and fabrication with attention to good design and construction planning. It will offer live demos of techniques used in basic jewelry construction, beginner through advanced students will benefit.
We will share our designs and talk about our projects in session and in a private Facebook group set up exclusively for this course. Each student will be encouraged to design a piece of jewelry that pushes their technical and design skills with a focus on unique expression.
Please fill out the registration form and submit then purchase workshop

Day 1: Introduction to design and how to draw your creations
Focus will be on understanding basic design principles and how they apply to
jewelry design.
Emphasis on drawing to understand mechanics and constructions to avoid mistakes.
Q&A at the end
Homework: In between each session students will be expected to work on design.
Students should begin to post drawings in the Facebook group.
Day 2: We will take a look at each student's designs and discuss them together. You will end the session with complete instructions on how to begin construction of
your piece. Q&A at the end
Extra information: Students will be given private access to 6 techniques demos via
recorded link. You will have access to these videos during the month of class and for 30 days after class.
Hollow Forms
Shell forming
Fold forming
Chasing - a New Approach
Homework: In between each session students will be expected to work building their pieces. Students should post progress images in the Facebook group.
Day 3: This session will consist of especially designed demos targeted to address the needs of the class. I focus on additional techniques not covered in the pre recorded videos and help you work through problems that have arisen in your projects.
We will begin to discuss finishing techniques. Demo on stone setting, Bezel and Prong setting.
Homework: Work on completing construction of project pieces. Share your progress in the Facebook group
Students should progress (step by step) images and or completed pieces in the Facebook group.
Day 4: This session we will discuss finishing techniques, how to remove fire scale and how to use patina’s effectively.
Open discussion on how your projects went.
Students will be required to photograph their finished (or almost finished) pieces and post them in the Facebook group.
EXTRA: 1.5 hour Zoom - Cocktail Critique - Monday July 28 5pm MST We will share our creations and celebrate our success!
REQUIRED: students must photograph and post their pieces in the Facebook group. Pieces will be presented in the critique.
Note: The Facebook group is an essential component in this course. It allows us to share processes, ask questions in between sessions, and support each other during class. It is not required but will deeply enrich the class experience.